My Life As A Campus Journalist

I became a Campus Journalist way back when I was at my elementary school. During my times at that school, I frequently join contests at the science category and even got a 3rd Place at “Science Writing 2021”. I considered it as a fun activity where I have to interpret complex texts and turn them into a simpler and precise article

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I applied to the S.T.E. (Science Technology and Engineering) Program, where only selected students can attend to. They have more subjects than the regular classes but the curriculum is far more advanced. Before I got accepted, we had to go through interviews and such in order for them to choose the students, and I got in. During my first and second year in the program, some of the added subject were quite challenging but some are quite enjoying to study.

During my 3rd year at the program, Journalism is one of our additional subject, and shockingly, the teacher who interviewed me during the application for the program was also my adviser for that subject. But for me, this subject was kind of hella-hard. But I also enjoy it because I did not only get to experience the writing of news articles, opinions, and lay-outing. I also experienced being a “forced extrovert” by interviewing people about their insights about multiple experiences, issues, topics, and such.

During our 1st Quarter, most of our works are written. Most of it are about how to write an article. During this, I get to experience mental farts all the time cause it’s either I cannot decide what title was I going to use, or I can’t think of a title at all. But despite those mental black-outs, I loved feature, science, and news writing.

In feature writing, you can’t be “Up-to-date”. Trends is the key word in writing this kind of texts in order to create the best ones. You shall also know how to entertain because that is the main goal of writing this such articles

In Science Writing, I enjoy learning complex things especially if I have to break it down into simpler terms. I remember when I have to write about a text about nanotechnology. I clarified some of parts of my texts because during that time, a misconception has been widely spread about nanotechnology that they are shrunk “humans”.

And in News Writing, you shall provide short, concise, and accurate texts. As In straight to the point. “The shorter the better” is what mindset I formed while writing news

These are some of our work during the 2nd quarter wherein our works from the 1st quarter are given a lay-out and turn them into a newspaper

The 3rd Quarter is the hardest amongst all. I had trouble shooting, editing, and interviewing because I really have no Idea on how to do TV broadcasting. Though our teacher thought us, I still find it very hard to perform.

Even though I encountered hardships upon being a journalist I always keep this in mind.

A Journalist DOESN’T make stories more bigger, more flourish.

A Journalist DOES help stories that open one’s eyes towards the world

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